A letter to Uncle Sam

Dear Uncle Sam,

Since I got this new-finagled typewriter called an iPad it has made letter writing much more convenient, especially when it takes care of most all of my misspelled words. I’ve decided that I’m going to try expressing some of my feelings to you about our United States from never to sometimes.

In regards to my last letter, just a few days ago where I thought it might be a good idea to tell the E.P.A. to back off a little…Well I believe it’s still a good idea. So I want to shine some light on the premise that melting some of the vitriolic talk that expels reason would be a good thing.

I believe that we the people are moving toward a cynical and fear filled territory where nobody seems willing to listen to the other guy. Where conspiracy theories carry more weight than the Laws of Physics. Where Common Sense plays an ever-smaller role in our daily lives.

What I see as a very partial solution is for some entity of importance I.E. our U.S. Congress or a member of Congress to start to question our Partisan Frontal Attack. It is a winner take all, no compromise approach to solving the problems that come before the various legislative bodies of our land.

Here Sam, are two destructive practices, fostered by government that digests part of one’s tranquil brain cells. For example, this hand washing fetish that abounds today. It has created a nation of Germ Freaks that spend far to much time looking into every corner and crevice for a Germ waiting to devour said freak.  Sam I don’t mind washing my hands after a days work, not so much for the health benefit which is negligible, but to keep my wife who doesn’t want my dirt scattered about the house making it dirty.

Ever since we Omnivores climbed out of a tree (or fell out we), decided that living on the land was a more stable place to prosper in and we had less of a chance of being judged “out of his tree.” Upon leaving the tree being unemployed was not an option. For that meant starvation, so everyone worked real hard learning to eat a diet of bugs, roots, leaves and then topped it off with a nice steak. While they were doing all this hunting and gathering to live they did a lot of bending, digging, running and walking called exercise that was part of their survival package.

Fast forward to the 20th century, school boards across the country with not enough money have decided to trade out P.E. for the installation of junk food vending machines in order to make a few bucks.


This Out of the tree life style has served us well until up until the keeper of our health, THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, decided that meat and dairy had Cholesterol, the demon that has caused many of our Heart Attacks etc. But now according to a new article that I read in Time Magazine meat and dairy are now on the O.K. to eat list. That there is more good stuff going on than meets the eye, hidden inside a nice juicy steak or a glass of milk.

I think that the business community, the advertising world and the government all use scare tactics to sell their agendas. As I see it the only one that could be asked to tone down the rhetoric is government. The other two, in order to make a profit will mostly likely not change.

Now I’m not against profit as that’s what pays my bills. But on the other hand, we just can’t afford to sweep our countries emotional turmoil under the rug. For if we do we will all see more aberrant behavior, more obesity and a yet to be discovered collection of things that won’t be good for society; pick your poison.

A possible alternative: Somebody invents a supper pill to take away all our cares so we can live in the Land Of Same. Ugh!

Your friend,

Jack Varian

P.S.  Sam, I wrote this while wearing my Rose Colored Glasses


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