V6 Ranch Horses
V6 Ranch Horses aren’t your average dude horses
Here on the V6, we are passionately not a “nose-to-tail” operation. We prioritize good horsemanship and safety, keeping our herd small so we are able to give each horse the attention and training it needs. Each of our horses have ample ranch experience and many are the horses we personally use to gather, sort, brand, rodeo and more.
We have a horse for every skill level so you can have fun and feel safe.

Meet the v6 ranch horses

We let our horses be horses.
To thank our horses for their work and to keep their brains happy, our horses spend their time off turned out out on 100+ acres. When they’re not being ridden they’re free to roam, socialize, roll, run, kick, buck, graze, and just do horse things.

Zee Varian & V6 Ranch Horses
Many of our horses were raised right here on the ranch by Zee Varian, identifiable by the letter “Z” in their names. These horses are descendants of Zee’s first brood mare Pocahontas that she owned and bred in the 1950s at the age of 13. For over 70 years Zee Varian has been raising athletic, responsive, sturdy, kind-hearted horses. This paired with Zee’s world-class horsemanship, sets the V6 Ranch Horse herd apart.
The Sunset Stables Days
Zee grew up on her family’s riding stable in Culver City, Sunset Ranch, still in operation today, now under the Hollywood sign.
At Sunset Stables they took out trail rides, hay wagons, and hosted wild west shows in the height of the Hollywood Western Era.
The Reined Cow Horse days
As an adult, Zee began raising, training, and showing Reined Cow Horses. In her 30 year long career Zee won many of the most prestigious shows of the time, including Salinas Rodeo, Santa Barbara Fiesta, Cow Palace, and in 1979, both the NRCHA Non-Pro and Ladies titles. When all was said and done Zee had won 13 saddles, three horse trailers, 60+ buckles, and a fair amount of cash and accolades.