Open & undivided landscape for perpetuity

The V6 Ranch is managed by award-winning conservationist, Jack Varian. In 2001 17,000 acres of the V6 Ranch were protected under a conservation easement. This ensured that the V6 Ranch will stay open and undivided for perpetuity.
On the V6 Ranch we practice Holistic Management techniques, in which we consider the health of the ranch’s ecosystem as a whole in every decision we make. We use cattle to mimic the grazing patterns of the massive herds of deer, pronghorn and elk that once grazed this land. We put the upmost of thought and care into every living creature and plant on this ranch, from the microorganisms in the soil to the birds in the sky.
For his conservation efforts on the V6 Ranch Jack Varian was named a Leopold Conservation Award Finalist in 2006 and 2007 and the 2016 California Rangeland Trust Conservationist of the Year. Jack Varian is also a certified Holistic Management educator.

A word from owner Jack Varian
The V6 Ranch got its start in the month of November 1961 after my wife and I sold a fixer upper ranch that gave us enough capital to expand. A friend recommended an 8,000 acre ranch that was “for sale” in southern Monterey County, California. He knew the area well, and said “Jack l think this is a good ranch that you'll be missing out if don’t buy it.” Well it took Zee and I just one look and I told the realtor we would take it. Now almost 60 years later I know more everyday that we made the right decision.
So with a fair amount of sweat and passion, today the V6 Ranch is 20,000 acres of the best cattle ranching and hunting country in central California. All livestock and wildlife need three things to prosper; food, water and cover. So, I have spent most of my life making sure that they are available.
My goal when it comes to providing something to eat for all the critters that live here, is to take half the grass that Mother Nature provides annually and leave one half so that bare ground is virtually absent.
Water: you can’t have too much of it. We work hard to develop our springs and distribute the water to numerous watering troughs that are designed so that all life can get a drink. Next, we have many stock ponds that provide a drink for a thirsty critter and several are good fishing holes.
Cover, means a safe place to rest and sleep. The ranch has a wonderful mix of open range, Blue Oak woodlands and many acres of Chaparral brush land that provides cover to all life.
The V6 is secured in perpetuity by a conservation easement that protects it from ever being sub-divided. This creates a unique environment where we practice Holistic Management, a method that asks us to question the decisions we make and make sure they are good for every living thing from soil to sky.
See ya,
Learn more about Jack’s adventures in ranching on his blog!