V6 Ranch

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My thoughts about being an observer

    The most satisfying thing about being an observer is I get to open many doors to the unknown and see what’s inside that can appease my inquisitive nature. Following the disciple of Mother Nature's ways, I wanted a method to infuse her teachings so that they are practical to use on a daily basis. At this juncture, I separate learning from observing. Learning for me is assimilating already common knowledge which is very important but observing gives one the possibility to discover something completely new that has the potential to solve our human problems. When I take my daily walks, I observe problems on the ranch. Then, I take two or more tangible things that seem dissimilar to the problem, but when married together become a solution that Mother Nature would approve of and might solve the problem.

         I also find a lot of satisfaction when observing the laws of nature in action without the human hand trying to help. However, I must recognize that humans have changed the behavior of our planet Earth so much that we must start observing ways to meet the demands and create a more sustainable society and planet. Yesterday, while observing a part of nature, there were buzzards, coyotes, and my dog Hurly all bumping, snarling, and snapping at each other as they devoured a steer that had died for what reason I am unable to answer. What I do know is that there are three parts to a healthy animal society that we are part of. First are the grazing ungulates like deer, cattle, and horses that help keep our grasslands functional. Then comes the predators like the mountain lions and coyotes that keep the grazing population in balance. Last we must welcome the clean-up crew, which are the scavengers, like the buzzards, feral pigs, eagles, raccoons, and soil life all waiting for dinner. The last part is an observer so remedies can be made where they are needed. The fractured and tattered side of our society is a little too overwhelming at my age to give much thought to. So, I have chosen the bright side of life where joy, hope, love, trust, and all the other words create a feeling of joy in my soul that says “Everything is going to be okay, just you wait and see.” 

                         See Ya, 
