You won’t see me in the picture but I’m still part of the gang
It’s Easter Sunday and I’m looking up at a clear Blue Sky which normally I would cuss because it’s surely going to be another dry day. But this year I think we’ll all agree that it’s okay if Mother Nature turns off the rain faucet and saves some for next year.
It’s become an annual affair to go back to my son Greg and his wife's ranch where they have a rustic cabin that’s very comfortable. After some snacks and a big drink of water it’s time for the reason all 20 or so of family and friends have driven for about an hour from the V6 to the cabin which is only 15 miles away, it gives you some idea that this ranch road is not made for any car that has only seen White Lines and Stop Lights. I’m thinking, do I really need this hour long hike to the Waterfall that most all of the family does every year? Jack your almost 88 years old. But I still want to be part of the gang. Yup, I’m going, save me a seat in one of the side by sides. I have to use the bathroom first and get a bottle of water. My grandson Brinan is the driver and I ask Brinan can you drive as close to the waterfall as possible? Brinan says okay but the last part is going to be pretty steep so I hope we can make it out, what with all the green grass and some mud.
2023 Hiking Gang
Brinan you gave me a real thrill traversing that grade, seemed like most of it was straight down. Brinan said “Grandpa don’t worry I don’t want to crash either, in fact I’ll walk with you, the last part of the trail has some downed trees since the big snow storm.” So with my two ski poles left over from my skiing days I was off to see the Wonderful Wizard of Oz to see what I could see. It was about a half hour into the hike and the fairly level path was giving way to a little steeper grade as well as a crossing over Arroyo Pinoso creek. Which meant I filled my shoes with water when a rock that I planned to use as a stepping stone turned out from under my foot and I found the creek’s bottom to be calf high. That was exhilarating and Brinan had to help me up the next hundred yards to a flat spot where I could rest a bit. Then Brinan said that he would go on ahead and see what things looked like. I said “Good I’ll catch my air,” as I sat down on a fair sized boulder. I had forgotten that Alex a ranch intern was bringing up the rear and said I’ll wait here with you, you're huffing and puffing pretty good.
And then from soul it happened. A feeling of serenity washed over me and I said to Alex what ever happens to me let it be, I couldn’t be in a better place amongst family and friends on a most beautiful part of the ranch. That’s when Alex said here comes Brinan and in a moment I was back to reality as Brinan said “Grandpa I think there’s too many down trees to go any farther.” You know Brinan I’m okay with that because I feel like I’m still part of the gang. The gravity that exhausted my muscles going to the waterfall now came to my rescue and in no time at all we were back at the side by side. I guess the message I hope to convey to my gang is that you won’t win all the battles, but you will win life’s wars if every time you try, you try your best.
See Ya,